Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling

In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the fifth book of the series, Harry faces the aftermath of Lord Voldemort’s return. The wizarding world is divided: while Harry and his allies know Voldemort is back, the Ministry of Magic refuses to accept the truth, spreading misinformation to discredit Harry and Albus Dumbledore.

The story begins with Harry enduring a lonely and frustrating summer at the Dursleys’ home, isolated from the wizarding world. He is suddenly attacked by Dementors and is forced to use magic to defend himself, which results in a formal hearing for underage magic use. With help from Dumbledore and the mysterious Order of the Phoenix, Harry is acquitted and learns that the Order is a secret group dedicated to fighting Voldemort.

At Hogwarts, Harry finds himself under scrutiny. The Ministry, led by Cornelius Fudge, has planted Dolores Umbridge, an oppressive and sadistic bureaucrat, as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Umbridge gradually seizes control of the school, imposing harsh rules and punishments while refusing to teach students practical defense skills. Harry becomes her primary target, as she denies Voldemort’s return and views Harry as a liar.

Frustrated by the lack of proper education, Harry forms Dumbledore’s Army (DA), a secret group where he teaches his fellow students defensive spells and techniques. The DA becomes a symbol of rebellion against Umbridge’s authoritarian rule and provides Harry with a sense of purpose.

Meanwhile, Harry struggles with intense emotions, recurring nightmares, and his connection to Voldemort. He often dreams of a mysterious corridor and door, which he later discovers leads to the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry of Magic. His scar throbs painfully as his connection to Voldemort grows stronger, causing Dumbledore to distance himself from Harry to protect him.

As the school year progresses, Harry faces increasing challenges. He is ostracized by many students, loses his temper frequently, and struggles with the pressure of his role in the fight against Voldemort. He also learns about a prophecy that could determine the outcome of the war. The prophecy states that either Harry or Voldemort must die at the hands of the other, as neither can live while the other survives.

In a dramatic climax, Harry has a vision of Voldemort torturing Sirius Black at the Department of Mysteries. Believing the vision to be real, Harry and his friends—Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Neville, and Luna—rush to the Ministry to save Sirius. They discover that Voldemort has set a trap to retrieve the prophecy, which only Harry can access.

A fierce battle ensues between the DA and Voldemort’s Death Eaters. The Order of the Phoenix arrives to help, but the battle turns tragic when Sirius is killed by his cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange. Devastated by Sirius’s death,